(2018) “Mobile Phone and Form of Experience”. 20th Annual International Conference / Society for Phenomenology and Media, University of Akureyri, Iceland. March 2018 (Next event).
(2018) “El celular y la forma social”. Encuentro Internacional de Medios ARPA, BUAP. Febrero 19-20.
(2017) “Anthropocene and Art”. Together with May Zindel. 19th Annual Conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Media. Vrije Universiteit Brussel Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, March 15-17.
(2016) “Illusion, emotion, and feeling in cinema”. SCSMI Conference/ Societ for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image, Ithaca.June 1-4.
(2015) “Medium Specificity and Digital Effects in Cinema.” Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS). Montreal 2015. Fairmont Queen Elizabeth, Montreal, Canada. March 25-29.
(2015) “Narrative Cinema as Story Construction?” Society for Cogntive Studies of the Moving Image (SCSMI). London 2015. Birkberck, University of London, London, England. June 17-20.
(2014) “Emotion in Cinema.” 16th. Annual International Conference. The Society for Phenomenology and Media. Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. March 12-15.
(2013) “Intertextualidad, navegabilidad y modularidad.” IV Coloquio ‘Acercamientos Interartísticos. Intertextualidad / Interdiscursividad en el Arte y la Literatura.’ Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM), Cuernavaca, Morelos. 15 y 16 de octubre de 2013.
(2013) “The Website as Embedded Modules of Information.” Together with Lydia Elizalde. 15th Annual International Conference / Society for Phenomenology and Media, Puebla, México, February 20-23
(2013) “Metaphor in Cinema Revisited.” Together with May Zindel and Víctor Rivas. 15th Annual International Conference / Society for Phenomenology and Media, Puebla, México, February 20-23
(2013) “Techno-Ecological Art Practices and Their Relationship with the Planet.” Together with Reyanldo Thompson and Víctor Manuel Reyes. 15th Annual International Conference / Society for Phenomenology and Media, Puebla, México, February 20-23
(2013) “Cinema and the Myth of the Code.” Together with Luis Roberto Vera. 15th Annual International Conference / Society for Phenomenology and Media, Puebla, México, February 20-23
(2013) “Medios, ilusión y realidad virtual.” III Encontro AIM / Associação de Investigadores da Imagem em Movimento, Coimbra, Portugal, May 9-11
(2013) “Media, Illusion and Virtual Reality.” SCSMI Berlin 2013 Conference / Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image, Berlin, Germany, June 12-15
(2013) “Illusion and Imagination in Cinema.” The Film-Philosophy Conference 2013: Beyond Film, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 10-12
(2013) “Crítica a la teoría semiótica.” XIV Jornadas Leibniz de Filosofía, Puebla, México, del 13 al 15 de Marzo.
(2012) “Media, Ilusion, and Virtual Reality.” 14th. Annual Conference of The Society for Phenomenology and Media. San Diego, California, February 16-19.
(2012) “Is There Metonymy in Film? Metz and the Rhetorical Figures in Cinema.” 14th. Annual Conference of The Society for Phenomenology and Media. San Diego, California, February 16-19.
(2012) “Semiotics in the Context of Posmodern Aesthetics.” Visualist 2012. International Congress on Visual Culture. New Approaches in Communication, Arts, and Design. Istambul, Turkey, March 7-9.
(2012) “¿Son la lógica y la psicología parte de la semiótica? VI Coloquio AMESVE, México, D.F., del 19 al 23 de junio.
(2012) “La teoría del arte en Kant.” XIII Jornadas Leibniz de Filosofía, Puebla, México, del 20 al 22 de junio.
(2011) ‘Towards the understanding of the formal difference between “Art and Cinema” and “Comercial Cinema.”’ 13th. Annual Conference of The Society for Phenomenology and Media. Hochschule Furtwangen University (HFU), Furtwangen and Freiburg, Germany.
(2011) ‘The Tension between New Media and Narratology.’ Annual Conference of The Society for Phenomenology and Media. Hochschule Furtwangen University (HFU), Furtwangen and Freiburg, Germany.
(2011) ‘The Tension between New Media and Narratology. A Phenomenological Approach.’ ICNAP III - Conferences of The Interdisciplinary Coalition of North American Phenomenologists. Shirlington Branch Library, Arlington, VA, USA.
(2011) ‘La Tensión entre los nuevos medios y la narratología. El caso del cine.’ V Coloquio AMESVE, Asociación Mexicana de Estudios de Semiótica Visual y del Espacio, México, D.F.
(2011) ‘La teoría narratológica del cine. Una aproximación crítica.’ XXVIII Encuentro Nacional de Estudiantes y Pasantes de Filosofía. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México.
(2010) “Bazin and the Poetics of Digital Cinema”. Decimo Segunda Edición de la International Conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Media, del 24 al 27 de Febrero del 2010.
(2010) “The Basic Problem of Cinematographic Illusion and Imagination A Bazinian Approach” 9th Congress AISV-IASV International Association for Visual Semiotics in Venice (Italy), from the 13th to 16th of April 2010.
(2010) “Aesthetics of Photography in Flusser and Bazin”. Decimo Segunda Edición de la International Conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Media, del 24 al 27 de Febrero del 2010.
(2010) “Los dos secreto del Ser y el Tiempo de Martin Heidegger”. Decimas Jornadas Leibniz de Filosofía, BUAP, Puebla, 11-13 de Mayo, 2010.
(2010) “Hume y la hormiga de Putnam vs. los heideggerianos y la metafísica.” Decimo Primeras Jornadas Leibniz de Filosofía, BUAP, Puebla, 10-21 de Octubre, 2010.
(2009) “Digital Image and Cinema”. 7th Annual Hawaii Internacional Conference on Arts and Humanities; del 9 al 12 de enero del 2009.
(2009) “El sesgo tecnológico de la narrativa cinematográfica”. Encuentro anual de la asociación argentina de estudios de cine y audiovisual: ASAECA; Facultad de arte de la Universidad Nacional del centro de la Provincia de Bueno Aires; del 16 al 19 de junio 2009.
(2009) “Global Media and National Identity.” The Society for Phenomemology and Media; 11th Annual Conference –Philosophy, Politics and The Media; Washington, D.C. Febrero, 26,27, 28 del 2009.
(2009) “El film de arte y la narración.” X Congreso Mundial de Semiótica, 26 de Septiembre de 2009, La Coruña, España.
(2008) ‘The Concept “Extension.” McLuhan’s Deconstructionist Move’, 6th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 11-14.
(2008) ‘Digital Image and Cinema’, 10th Annual International Conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Media, Puebla, México, February 22-23.
(2008) ‘Hollywood and Cinematic Poetics’, 2nd International Congress on Art and Culture (19th-21st centuries), Puebla, México, May 19-24.
(2008) ‘Introspection according to Dretske’, XXV National Encounter of Philosophy Students and Philosophy Degree Candidates, “Enlaces y Rupturas”, Puebla, México, April 21-23.
(2007) ‘Qualia and Meaning’, 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 11.
(2007) ‘Media and Deception’, 9th Annual International Conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Media, San Diego, California, February 22 -24.
(2006) ‘Leisure Time and Mechanical Technologies: A McLuhanian Approach’, 4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 11.
(2006) ‘Space and Symbolism in McLuhan’, 4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 14.
(2006) ‘Postmodernity and Latin American Baroque’, First International Seminar on Baroque Philosophy, Politics and Culture, co-organized by the BUAP and the UAM-Iztapalapa, May 26.
(2005) ‘Reconstucting McLuhan’s theory of perception’, Hawai International Conference on Arts and Humanities at the University of Hawai West Oahu/THE EAST West Canter for Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 13-16.
(2005) ‘Space and Media’, International Association for Study of Enviroment, Space and Place. Simbolic meanings of space/place, Towson University, Baltimore, April 4-May 1.
(2005) ‘To Be Descendants of Aztecs: A Mexican Lived Image and Some Political Implications’, The Haaga Institute Politienic, Helsinki, Finland, May 19-21.
(2005) ‘McLuhan: Ethics and Electric Culture’, First National Conference on Disputed Questions in Philosophy: Ethics With or Without Philosophy, Puebla, México (BUAP), March 3-4.
(2005) ‘Space and Symbolism’, VIII Research Conference with Professors of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (BUAP), Puebla, México, November 7-9.
(2005) ‘Natural classes and categorization’, Third “Leibniz” Series of Lectures on Philosophy at the BUAP, Puebla, México, November 7-11.
(2005) ‘Homeric Poetry and the Problem of Consciousness’, 1st International Congress on Art and Culture (19th to 21st centuries) at the BUAP, Puebla México, November 14-18.
(2005) ‘Qualia and categorization’, 13th Congress of Philosophy, “Philosophical knowledge”, organized by the Mexican Philosophical Association and the Faculty of Philosophy at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, México, November.
(2004) ‘Kulturraum und mediale Raumkonstruktion’, Internationales Zentrum für Kultur-Und Technikforschung in Verbindung mit dem Institut Grundlagen moderner Architektur und Entwerfer der Universität Stuttgart (International Center for Culture and Technics Research in Cooperation with the Institute for Modern Architecture and Designers at the Universite of Stuttgart), “Denken des Raums in Zeiten der Globalisierung”, Stuttgart, February 12-14.
(2004) ‘McLuhan’s theory of deception in technological perception’, Third International Conference on Aesthetics and Art and first Latin American Seminar on Science and Art, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, October 6-12.
(2003) ‘Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and Ontology’, 20th Nacional Meeting of Philosophy Students and Degree Candidates, BUAP and Puebla Philosophy College, Puebla, México, May 19-24.
(2003) ‘Hermeneutics and Orality: sense and configuration’, 3rd Hermeneutics Conference, Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz, México, December 11-12.
(2003) ‘Plato and the Homeric Verse’, Fourth Internacional Congreso of Poetry and Poetics, BUAP Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and BUAP MA on Mexican Literature, Puebla, México, October 21-24.
(2003) ‘Nationalism and Cultural Identity’, First Forum of Humanities at the Universidad de las Américas-Puebla, México, April 2-4.
(2003) ‘Orality and Image’, Third Philosophical Lectures on “Diversity of Philosophical Thinking”, BUAP, Puebla, México, September 10-12.
(2003) ‘Writing and the structure of perception’, Seventh Internacional Meeting of Cultural Centers, “The human dignity in the horizon of the new culture,” BUAP, Puebla, México, September 10-12.
(2003) ‘Mobile Communication and Culture’, 5th Annual Conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Media, Helsinki, Finland, May 14-17.
(2003) ‘Art and the Environment: Take Art Outside the Museum?’, Second Annual Outis Conference on Deception, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 7-9.
(2003) ‘Traditional Image and Digital Image’, Second Internacional Conference on Art and Aesthetics, La Habana, Cuba, July 4.
(2003) ‘Multiculturalism and Communication’, Fourth Philosophical Meeting between Cuba and México at La Habana, Cuba, July 2.
(2002) ‘Heidegger, Hegel, Gadamer: an archaic model for aesthetic experience’, First International Conference on Aesthetics, La Habana Cuba, June 26-27.
(2002) ‘Gadamer: Aesthetics and Universal Hermeneutics’, Second National Conference on Hermeneutics, Universidad Veracruzana, Jalapa, México, June 20-21.
(2002) ‘Concept and metaphor in Gadamer and their consequences for his Hermeneutics’, Fourth Conference on Hermeneutics, UNAM Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, México, D.F., July 3.
(2002) ‘Martin Heidegger: Philosophy and Poetry’, Academic and Philosophical Conferences “The role of Philosophy in Contemporary Education”, Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Puebla, México, May 11.
(2002) ‘Communication media against the phenomenological model of a community’, Third Philosophical Meeting between Cuba and Mexico, La Habana, Cuba, June 25-28.
(2002) ‘Culture, ¿divine or banal? Flusser and Human Dignity’, International Congress on the Philosophy of Culture and Intercultural Philosophy, “Towards a new cultural universalism?”, at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, México, August 27-31.
(2002) ‘Techno-images and concept visualization’, Sixth Internacional Congress of Phenomenology, “Philosophy and Virtual Reality”, Spanish Association of Phenomenology, University of Zaragoza, Teruel University, and National University of Distance Education, Albarracín, Spain, September 10-13.
(2002) ‘A popular Model for Self-deception’, Working Conference on Deception organized by Society for Phenomenology and Media, Cracow, Poland, September 4-6.
(2002) ‘Poetics in the Age of Techno-images’, Third International Congress of Poetics and Poetry, BUAP Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Puebla, México, October 21-30.
(2002) ‘Die Postmoderne und das Barock. Der Fall Lateinamerikas (The Postmoderne and the Baroque), Ein Symposium mit Carlos Monsiváis, Bolívar Echeverría, Rita Eder und Alberto Carrillo Canán’ (Symposium with Carlos Monsivaís, Bolívar Echeverría, Rita Eder, Alberto Carrillo Canán) in der Aula der Hochshule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig –Modernität und Mischkultur. Antworten aus México (at the main auditorium of the Arts School at Braunschweig, Germany – Modernity and Mixed Cultures), June 4-5.
(2002) ‘Globalization, Culture and Community’, Society for Phenomenology and Media, BUAP, Puebla, México, February 21-24.
(2001) ‘Art and Hermeneutics’, First Congress for Leaders of Research Projects on Human Sciences and Behaviour, Veracruz, México, March 14-17.
(2001) ‘Aesthetics of the World: Perception and Construction’, Permanent Seminar on Cognitive Science Perspectives at the Autonomous University of Morelos, Cuernavaca, México, May 24.
(2001) ‘The ambiguous conjunction of joy and suffering and the concept of love in Kierkegaard’, First National Congress of Research on Women, BUAP, Puebla, México, May 23-25.
(2001) ‘Space Anisotropy and Cultural Relativism’, 11th Philosophy Congress, “Rationality, Democracy and Ethics”, UNAM, México, D.F., August 13-17.
(2001) ‘Phenomenological theory of the community’, Conference on the Work and Life of Edith Stein, BUAP, Puebla, México, October 11th.
(2001) ‘Culture: Sacralization of the Banal? Flusser and the conservative Left’, 13th National Conference on the Teaching of Philosophy, Autonomous University of Tlaxcala, México, November 22-24.
(2001) ‘Community and Media: a Weakness of Phenomenology?’, at the Third Annual Conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Media, La Joya, California, February, 22-24.
(2001) ‘Gadamer: From Universalist Transcendentalism to the Transcendentalism of the Particular’, First Conference of Hermeneutics, “Cultural Understanding of Latin America”, Xalapa, Veracruz, México, July 5-7.
(2001) ‘Are e-communities inauthentic? A philosophical trouble’, Innovations for an e-Society. Challenges for Technology Assessment, Berlin, Germany, October 17-19.
(2001) ‘Music and Poetry in Nietzsche’s Birth of Tragedy’, Second International Poetry Festival, College of Linguistics and Hispanic Literature, Puebla, México, November 22-30.
(2001) ‘Heidegger’s Transcendental Poetry’, Second International Poetry Festival, College of Linguistics and Hispanic Literature, Puebla, México, November 22-30.
(2001) ‘Dynamics and Anisotropy’, XVth International Congress of Aesthetics, Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS), Japan, August 27-31.
(2000) ‘Philosophy and Tradition’, Annual SCOLAS Meeting, Institute for Social Research, BUAP, Puebla, México, March 11.
(2000) ‘Gadamer’s Levelling of the Verbal and the Visual’, 25th Annual Conference of the International Society of Phenomenology and Literature, Harvard University’s Divinity School, Cambridge, Mass, May 11.
(2000) ‘The Gardens of Versailles and the Sublime’, 5th Conference on Phenomenology, Aesthetics, and the Fine Arts, Harvard University’s Divinity School, Cambridge, Mass., May 12.
(2000) ‘The work of art and the presence of divinity’, 50th Congress of Phenomenology and Literature, BUAP Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Puebla, México, May 22.
(2000) ‘Hermeneutics, Analogy and Plastics Arts’, XVI Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, New School, New York, August 10.
(2000) ‘World and ontological predicates in Heidegger’, Fifth Internacional Conference on Psychology and Phenomenological Psychiatry, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 20-21.
(2000) ‘World Aesthetics: Perception and Construction’, Department of Philosophy at the Universidad de las Américas-Puebla, Cholula, México, March 8.
(1999) ‘Image versus Sign. A phenomenological approach’, First International Conference on Phenomenology and Media, National University, San Diego, California, February 26.
(1999) ‘The concept of earth by Heidegger. History and the Oblivion on Being’, XXIII Annual Phenomenology and Literature Congress, Cronkhite Graduate Center, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass., April 14.
(1999) ‘Life as Self-Production in Kierkegaard´s Early Work’, 4th Conference on Phenomenology, Aesthetics, and the Fine Arts, Cronkhite Graduate Center, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass., April 16.
(1999) ‘Work of art, hermeneutics and education’, Fifth National Meeting of Education and Literature Students, Universidad de Antioquia, August 5.
(1999) ‘Sense and Work of Art in Gadamer’, XIV Interamerican Congress of Philosophy, Puebla, México, August 17.
(1998) ‘Transcendentalism and Poetry in Heidegger’, XXII Annual Phenomenology and Literature Congress, Harvard’s Divinity School, April 16.
(1998) ‘Kierkegaard´s Amphibolous Conjunction of Joy and Sorrow and his Literary Theory’, 13th Annual Internationa Conference in Literature and the Visual Arts, Atlanta Georgia, November 6.
(1997) ‘Concerned with Oneself and God Alone. On Kierkegaard´s Concept of Remorse as the Basis for his Literary Theory’, XXI Annual Phenomenology and Literature Congress, Cambridge, Mass., April 16.
(1997) ‘The Paradoxical Transformation of Existence. On Kierkegaards Concept of Individuation’, The Second International Congress in Philosophy, Phenomenology, and the Sciences of Life, Gdansk, Polonia, June 7.
(1995) ‘Considering Cube and Death. Heidegger´s Reinterpretation of Husserl´s Concept of Truth as the Concept of »Care«’, Second World Congress of Phenomenology, Guadalajara, México, September 11-18.
(1978) ‘The problem of movement and the origins of calculus’, XIII Congress of the Mexican Mathematical Association, Puebla, México, November.
(1978) ‘The solution given by Greek Atomists to the Problem of Movement’, School of Mathematics and Physics (ESFM) at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), January.
(1978) ‘Pythagoric Mathematics and Zeno’s Paradoxes’, ESFM at IPN, January.
(1977) ‘Philosophy and Mathematics’, University of Chilpancingo, Guerrero, México, August.
(1977) ‘On the Origin and Significance of the Theory of Knowledge’, ESFM at IPN, August.