At the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, BUAP, México (Autonomous University of the State of Puebla, Mexico) |
Since 1998 |
Full-time Professor of the following degree programs: MA Art and Aesthetics MA Social Sciences, Major in History of Science BA Philosophy BA Linguistics and Hispanic Literature |
2004 |
Visiting Professor to the University of San Juan Carlos, Guatemala Module: Identity and Social Exclusion, August 9-13. |
2003 |
Visiting Professor to the University of the Arts in Braunschweig, Germany Aesthetics course within the Art and New Media Program, May 12-23. |
2001 |
Visiting Professor to the University of Furtwangen, Germany Media Theory course within the MA program on Media, November 12-13. |
At the Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, UAZ, México (State University of Zacatecas, Mexico) |
1996 |
Visiting Lecturer of MA courses: Introduction to Husserl’s Phenomenology Prefiguration of Hegel’s Dialectics in the Jena Writings Lévinas: Beyond Being |
1997 |
Visiting Lecturer of PhD History Truth and Freedom in the Intersection of Phenomenology and Theology |
At the Freie Universität–Berlin, Germany (Free University of Berlin, Germany) |
1989/94 |
Tutorial courses Plato’s Republic (Summer 1989) Plato’s Republic (Winter 1990/91) Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (Summer 1991) Analytic Philosophical Propaedeutics (Winter 1991/92) Foucault’s Archaeology of Knowledge (Summer 1992) Hermeneutics from Schleiermacher to Ricoeur (Summer 1992/93) Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (Summer 1993) Analytic Philosophical Propaedeutics (Winter 1993/94) |
1994/97 |
Systematic Introduction to Heidegger’s Being and Time (Winter 1994/95) The Concept of Existence in Kierkegaard and Heidegger (Summer 1995) Husserl’s Idea of the Transcendental Reduction (Winter 95/96) Lévinas: Beyond Being (Summer 1996) Heidegger’s Being and Time (Winter 1996/97) Husserl’s Cartesianische Meditationen (Summer 1997) |
At the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, UAM – campus Azcapotzalco, México (Autonomous Metropolitan University at Azcapotzalco, Mexico) |
1984 |
Full-time professor Macroeconomics I, II Political Economy IV |
At the Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, México (Autonomous University of Chapingo, Mexico) |
Full-time professor | |
1980 1980/82 |
Economic Development at the School of Agricultural Economics Introduction to Economics at the Agricultural High-School |
At the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM, México (National Autonomous University, Mexico) Within the Facultad de Economía y División de Estudios de Posgrado, DEP |
1979/1983 |
Full-time professor of Political Economy I (1979/80) Political Economy II (1980) Political Economy V (1981) Political Economy VI (1982) Political Economy VII (1983) Mathematics I (1982/83) Teaching assistant to Professor Emilio Robles (DEP) Professor Bruce Wallace (DEP) Professor Isaías Martínez (DEP) |
Within the Escuela Superior de Física y Matemáticas, ESFM (Superior School of Physics and Mathematics) At the Instituto Politécnico Nacional, IPN (National Polytechnic Institute) |
1974/81 |
Full-time professor of Calculus (I, II, IV) Algebra I Introduction to Differential Equations Introduction to Complex Variable Functions Differential Geometry I Philosophy of Science (I, II, III) Mathematical Analysis (IV) Participation in the design of the Philosophy of Science academic program. |